Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 27: Chipotle & The Scarecrow

Another busy day, with less cooking than I'd have liked. But you know where I can always get a decent vegan meal? Chipotle. Yep, I said it.  A bowl with brown rice, black beans, tomato salsa, corn salsa, green salsa, guacamole, fajita veggies and lettuce hits the spot every time.

But what do you think about their "movie short/commerical?"

Other than being beautifully crafted (and the song from Willy Wonka redone by Fiona Apple is AMAZING), what is it really saying? It seems the message starts by saying that the slaughterhouse and way animals are treated in the industry as a whole are inhumane (pumped full of antibiotics, warehoused, packaged), but then there is the chipotle way.

However, what is this Chipotle way? It seems to be completely plant based!? They still aren't showing the slaughtering of the free-range cows are they? I don't think they even showed any meat for the upswing ending. I think it's sort of a mixed message they are sending out. Or at least misdirection.

I have heard that they are trying a vegan meat substitute in some markets called The Sofrita. I'm not exactly sure why, when beans give you plenty of protein and then you also get free Guac, which is awesome! But if it does come here, I'm sure I'll give it a whirl and take plenty of pictures to boot!

Tip of the Day: A pal at work told me that you can get a rice and bean burrito at Chipotle for $2. Very thrifty. As of this writing however, it is unconfirmed.

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